How regular health maintenance is important in human life in current scenario?
Some don’t even consider regular
health screenings necessary at all. But doctors say men need these quarterly
checkups just as much as women because they are generally heavier, less active,
and more likely to develop physical problems like heart attacks, strokes, and certain cancers.
If you want to avoid the doctor’s
costs, the potentially deadly dangers associated with your condition, or a
possible disability from having a serious illness go without treatment for too
long then it’s time you started getting checked out by a professional. Do it
for yourself and your loved ones. Check in with your doctor every three months
if you have no concerns about your health,
fitness, or gender. These kinds of appointments are quick, helpful, easy,
and provide:
1. Early Treatment of Serious
Conditions, Promptly
2. Prevention and Early Detection
of Serious Diseases
3. Quicker Return to Normal
Activity and Better Quality of Life
4. Lifestyle Changes that Can
Prevent Physical Problems
Dependency of health screening on
age: Men and Woman
Men’s health screening is the same for all ages, but in general, the younger you
are and the more physically fit you are, the greater your chances of living a
longer, healthier life. If you’re older and can’t seem to lose weight or
prevent illness, consider taking steps to improve your health now—before it’s
too late.
Women’s Health Screenings have
been linked to better physical and mental well-being throughout their lives,
particularly in their old age. Women who get health screenings regularly tend
to be healthier and more active than those who don’t. As women age, they may
have increasing health issues such as cancer, osteoporosis, high blood
pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.
Catch hidden issues before aged
As we age there are several
key body functions that slow down or stop altogether. The following hormones
begin to decline as we get older:
- Hormone levels change with age
- Hormone function declines with
The above Hormones are
essential for good health but can also contribute to a higher risk of disease
at different times in a person’s life. Women over the age of 50 years have to
balance these changes with maintaining healthy hormone levels and good
nutrition. The important hormone is as follow:
1. Sex Hormone Binding
Globulin (SHBG) binds to testosterone and estradiol making them inactive.
-Concern: Higher blood levels are
associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
-Prevention: Healthy diet
(including fish & nuts), exercise, and weight control.
2. Free T3 which is created by
the thyroid gland to increase metabolism by moving the body from its resting
state to the active state
-Concern: Decreases with age;
symptoms - fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and cold hands/feet
-Prevention: Healthy diet
(including fish & nuts), exercise, and weight control.
3. Thyroid Hormones (T4 & T3)
in the body are needed for the body to utilize fats to produce energy
-Concern: Decreases with age;
symptoms - weight gain, feeling cold all of the time, and low body temperature
-Prevention: Healthy diet
(including fish & nuts), exercise, and weight control.
Healthcare screening is for
Early Detection: Early detection
of a medical condition greatly increases your chances of surviving and/or
getting proper treatment. For example, early detection of breast cancer dramatically
increases the chance and survival rate.
Prevention: Preventive healthcare
is the best way to stay healthy and decrease the chance of developing a health
concern or disease. If you avoid certain bad habits, you’ll have a much better
shot at living a longer, healthier life.
The good news is that preventive
healthcare is the easiest way to stay healthy and decrease your chance of
developing a health concern or disease. But the bad news? Most people don’t do
Health screening is important for both men and women. It can help to detect serious conditions in the early stages of development and treat them before they become life-threatening or disabling. If you have been neglecting your health and find yourself having unexplained symptoms, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider for a complete physical examination. You’ll be glad you did it!